First forced gay sex stories

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If this is workable, we can discuss further. I answered yes on all counts, but it must be physical play I have no interest in any virtual relationship no matter how enticing the offer might be PLUS I won't pay any 'tributes' for playing. I've been searching on several sites and received a chat message from a domme asking if I liked bondage, CBT and forced gay. It doesn't have to be pain per say, prolonged edging, milking, denial or ruined orgasm and post orgasm polishing are fine in my book. I'm a submissive oral bottom and in terms of my kink, I love CBT and electro both combined with some bondage.

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I can't say it's an obsession, but sex and kink are often all I think about.

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A little about me, I'm a married 50-year-old bisexual whose bisexuality and interest in kink has come to the forefront.

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